Re: Generating a true random number?

Rob Quinn (
Fri, 3 Jun 1994 17:46:56 -0500 (CDT)

>  I need to generate an 8 byte random DES key, so of course, I need a way
>of generating 8 random bytes. Any ideas?

 This was discussed on a comp.* group a while back, and some suggestions
(for a UNIX machine) were to use the kernel memory. Don't actually dig through
the memory yourself (since most non-root people can't), but use a command that
can. I've been using the output of `pstat -p | sum' myself.

| let's all be different                                                   |
| just like me                                                   Rob Quinn |
|                                                |
|                                                    QuinnBob@KSUVM.BITNET |